what is the difference between health and skill-related components of fitness?


AspectHealth-Related Components of FitnessSkill-Related Components of Fitness
DefinitionFactors that contribute to overall health,Factors that contribute to an individual's
well-being, and the prevention of chronicability to perform sports and physical
diseases.activities effectively and efficiently.
Cardiovascular EnduranceThe ability of the heart and lungs toThe ability to perform dynamic, high-
deliver oxygen and nutrients to the musclesintensity activities for extended periods
during sustained physical activity.with speed and agility.
Muscular StrengthThe maximum force a muscle or group ofThe ability of muscles to exert maximum
muscles can generate against resistance.force quickly, such as in sprinting or
Muscular EnduranceThe ability of muscles to exert forceThe capacity of muscles to perform
repeatedly or sustain an activity overrepetitive contractions or maintain a
an extended period without fatigue.static contraction over time.
FlexibilityThe range of motion of a joint or groupThe ability to move joints and muscles
of joints, which allows for mobility andthrough their full range of motion
injury prevention.efficiently and effectively.
Body CompositionThe proportion of fat and non-fat tissueLess emphasized in skill-related
in the body, which affects overall healthfitness but still important for overall
and fitness.physical performance.
Balance and CoordinationNot explicitly categorized as a health-Key components for sports and physical
related component, but indirectly impactsactivities, involving control of body
overall functional fitness.movements and spatial awareness.
Reaction TimeNot explicitly categorized as a health-Important for sports and activities
related component but affects daily tasksrequiring quick decisions and responses.
AgilityNot explicitly categorized as a health-Vital for sports involving quick changes
related component but supports physicalof direction, acceleration, and deceleration.
SpeedNot explicitly categorized as a health-Essential for activities and sports
related component but impacts dailythat require rapid movement over short
functional fitness.distances, like sprinting or racing.

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